
25, Male


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Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
I wished to join... out of curiosity, a certain calling to the page and general desire for connecting with other like-minded souls... I was blessed with a link to this website from a closed group on facebook called the 'Mystical Order of the Gnostics'.
About Myself & My Interests...
I am an Aries and Yellow Cosmic Sun Kin 260. My number is 7. I make music, and create visual expressions, I am a poet, writer, creator, visionary, film-maker. I have connections to spirits, channeling and the source too. I wish to understand them deeper. I practise astral projection also and aim to get to a stage where I can control it more.
My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
As far as teachers go I am mostly self taught, since I am of a younger generation and my environment/circles aren't like-minded it is hard to find people my age intuned to this frequency and i feel isolated.. It is rare I find people to guide me, explore, share experiences and knowledge so im excited to have joined the temple!
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