The Dragon Shrine

This is a group dedicated to the pure spiritual energy of the Divine.



Bel, The Dragon

BEL-Iaul to the ancient Bretons, is the name of the Golden Dragon.

BEL is the great God of the Babylonians; as BEL- ELI is the Great Goddess. Later on, the God Bel was made to be an evil Dragon and slain in fables, whereas Bel-ili became Lilith, the erstwhile Queen of Demons.

BELINUS , The Brilliant One, represents the healing powers of the sun. Belinus is APOLLO, the Serpent God, in Gaulish and Celtic traditions.

Wherever one finds two Obelisks standing as a gateway, this was the entrance to an Ophite temple. After all it takes both Sun and Moon to enable life on the planet, and cycles of time as we perceive Time to be. As we are copies of Divinity, and the OB-ELIsk is made to represent heaven above, the Earth below and the body of Spirit in between - the Tree of Life and the Three Pillars of the body - who then can be sure, that these Obelisks are not petrified humans, spelled into the future by the serpent's charms?

Our Ancestors knew God as OB-EL; the Serpent God. And in the Southern Hemisphere at around about this time, the Wheel of Existence turns again as the fiery Dragon returns to kiss the beautiful Queen of the May, when the Goddess returns to the shores of the Isles of Serpentifera.

This island is within the realm of OBERON, The King of Shadows; son of The Beautiful Queen, Morgan Le Fay. Oberon is the King of Faerie and a consort of Goddess Diana Titania.

Thus we can say, even today, that if someone has OB, they have the fiery power of Kundalini surging through their veins ~ just like the Witch of Endor.


Blessed Be,

and a very Blessed and Merry Samhain to all in the Northern Hemisphere!