Spirit Realm

Venture with us to other worldly realms.
Lets go beyond the veil into the unknown.
Where ghosts & spirits linger & lurk in the shadows,waiting to get your attention.
Do you see apparitions?
What about Shadowpeople?

This groups admin is Bill Walker!


I’ve always been sensitive to spirit energy all my life. I’m no medium that’s for sure but when I’m close by, or inside of a building, I can usually sense if there is spirit activity. And that’s why it was so unusual for me to sense the darkest most evil energy that I’ve ever encountered from nearly a half a mile away. Here’s my story.

Years ago I was a counselor at a group home for special needs adults. I had worked at one house for a little over a year when I got transferred to a new house that our company was opening that required a much further drive up the highway. On my very first drive out I was looking forward to seeing the new location but just after I got off I-5 in Washington State and started heading east I had the most unsettling feeling of pure hate that seemed to have no real cause. The farther I drove the more the feeling dissipated so I knew that the source of my unease had to be just after I had turned off the main highway. And this was a daily occurrence whenever I would drive to work at the very same location just after leaving the main highway.

It didn’t take long for me to start to scan the landscape around the exit where I turned from to see what was on either side of the road. On my right was a gas station and I don’t remember much else as it’s been a while since I’ve been out their but maybe a couple of stores as well. On my left was another road that paralleled the main highway I had just turned off of almost like it was a service road even though it wasn’t because there was a farm maybe a quarter of a mile north of where I was driving which was east. The farm in and of itself didn’t bother me but way off to the right of it out in the middle of what seemed like this farms fields was another farmhouse all by itself. And from the highway that I was traveling on it appeared deserted. As soon as I noticed this second farmhouse out in the middle of almost nowhere I knew that that was where my sense of dark dread was coming from.

I’ve felt unhappy spirits and spirits that just want to be left alone many times, but this was evil beyond anything I had ever experienced before. I drove by this location many times over the months that I worked at that group home and the feeling was always the same. At one point I even considered going to the farm and asking about the other farmhouse but something just told me to leave well enough alone. If I ever go out that way again perhaps I’ll take a camera with me and take a picture from a distance. But I can assure you right now the highway is as close as I’ll ever get to that farmhouse. If ever I felt something, that felt like a portal to hell, that farmhouse was it!


Bill Walker

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    Rosey Cross

    This is great!! Thank you.

    I got your message and will be active tomorrow as Ive had things keeping me offline.

    Wonderful discussion!

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      The sensitivity from beyond the veil can defend us from some evils.
      I believe that was your case.