Welcome to Temple Illuminatus

I'm the creator of Temple Illuminatus, and I just wanted to take a moment to encourage our new incoming members to reach out and introduce themselves.

It doesn't have to be a brilliant essay all about you, it can just be a simple sentence saying hello and giving people a heads up that there's a new person on board.

I encourage you to take time to get to know one another, welcome new members, make connections and friends.

When in doubt, reach out! Don't be shy!

We want to get to know you.

If you'd like to know more about me, feel free to read my profile, and feel free to ask any questions you have about me and about the site.

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    Seana Collins

    New to this group... Member of several other entities and thouroughly intrigued. I look forward to reading quietly for a little while before dropping my two cents into the collective consciousness plate if that is alright. Thank you to those who accepted me as a member.
    ~ all best ~
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      I am an eclectic neo-pagan psychospiritual modern hedge witch. I despise labels (snicker) but here we are. 

      I entered the craft through adversity and its been a long and winding path to where I am today. I have my apprentice piece, I am (I suspect) coming to a point of closure of a masterpiece. I am particuarly interested in anything pertaining to the  non-denominational experience relating to the Thelemic abyss. The fall. The Scarlet woman. Chorazon. The babe of the abyss.

      Don't question it - Its in the wind. In the bone. 

      Its why I'm here frankly... Looking for information, advise and greater clarity - a more defined framework to hang up to embody a spiritual experience.

      Be blessed. 

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        Hello! I am glad you have made this website, and I hope you are still active! If there is less activity now than before, then perhaps it will be possible to find other Illuminati and breathe new life into this site :) I am assuming you must have tasted enlightenment, the true Enlightenment, at some point, to want to make this website and give it this name. I would love to hear about that. (You can hear about mine in the discussions I have started on this forum)