Astraeia is a Goddess of the Golden Age, the Age of Saturn, the Kind Father and the Goddess of the Moon.

In a much nobler Age, these were times when a person could be taken at their word;  when honor and virtue meant something, an age of great inventions and of Magick.  In those days, Astraea lived here on Earth as a goddess of Justice.

Justice back then meant simply, to judge others more kindly, and to operate on virtues of compassion and understanding, in peace and in fairness to both parties. True Justice is based in Love rather than Fear and the principle of Truth encapsulated the framework within which the courts of justice operated. As there was no need for jails or any fear-based punishments for wrongdoings, as restrictions are not the way of the Holy Goddess; the emphasis was on rehabilitation and healing. Instead of bars, barbed wire and cages for human beings (demi-gods), there were teachers and counselors.

Instead of despotic governments and a global weapons expenditure of 2 Trillion dollars a year, the people ruled. No one was above anyone else! Weapons were for cutting long grass with and tanks, for ploughing.

Woman ruled society, and thus there were no wars or pollution of the oceans and the sweet water of the streams and rivers, or large scale deforestation, and nature was cherished and conserved rather than abused. There was no major imbalance in Nature caused by polluting industries, and no weakening of the magnetic shield as a consequence. There was no nuclear testing, or release of these toxins into the atmosphere to drift around on the winds forever and irradiate the innocent with, or any imminent dangers posed by faulty nuclear reactors going wrong for some reason or other at any given time. There was no over-exploitation of natural resources and subsequent imbalance in the eco-system; nor did the animals so quickly become extinct. Sport, games and outdoors activities enjoyed with responsibility and care for the environment were greatly encouraged amongst men instead of going to war.

In these times, when days were longer and the nights exquisite, society was organized along matrilineal lines, and women, as the primary source of new life, were regarded as goddesses and thus highly respected and valued in society. Finances were better handled by women, and local governance was organized and executed mainly by women in the community. This was always the case until some 4000 BCE.

Until that time, there was peace and co-operation between the four main centers of civilization. Spirituality was based on the 42 Ideals of Maat;  and was characterized by personal interaction with Divinity and individual expression of  inner divinity.

Equality between males and females in everyday living was simply taken for granted, as the spiritual idea of Nature and therefore Divinity was of an perfect Androgyny, and balance and harmonic resonance with male and female polarities, as it is within Nature and the greater Cosmos.

As time progressed, though, some men decided that they would rather use the power which is available to all living and comes from within, for selfish reasons of domination and control over the workings of society. An excess always leads to an imbalance, and so, as it is As Above, So Below, this lead to the eventual deterioration of humankind’s spiritual , moral and scientific progress.

As the Silver and Bronze Ages unfolded, there was less and less semblance of the Old Ways, and as the newer warlike cults gained their ascendancy all over the world, society fell victim to restrictions , differentiations, and violence became the end to a means.

The definition of justice became fear-based , and murder by legalized execution , jails, penal colonies and everyday use of force to combat crime became reality.

At the time when the Old Ways were abandoned by the majority of the people, and the original definition of Justice became corrupted as a direct result of the gradual historical process of patriarchialization, the Starry One Astraea departed into the heavens, to gaze down upon the sons and daughters of Gods and men ~ silently awaiting the dawning of a New Age and the return of the Daughter to the Earth.

As if by some unseen cosmic hand with sparkling fingertips outstretched, the glittering stars of heaven in the constellation were placed in the constellation of Virgo, to be set in the velvety heavens above. The Starry Maiden, astride the cosmic Lion bears the Scales of Truth and Right high aloft, the Libra which forms the outstretched pincer claws of Scorpio.

Astraeia, in her undying love for humankind, decided at the last moment before ascending into the void, to leave of her Stars behind on Earth.

And at the end of the Bronze Age, when the High Places were already being destroyed by a new order and basic inequalities between genders, perceived differences and superficialities became more important than self-knowledge and truth, and people no longer wanted to take responsibility themselves for their own actions; when the sacred beasts were enslaved and exterminated for man’s pleasure and when things started to fall apart, the ancient Goddess of Justice made her presence felt through The Goddess Dike and Her sister, Goddess Nemesis.

Some say that the Goddesses are twins, others that the Spirits of Justice are one and the same Astraeia

From that vantage point so high above, nothing that happens on the planet goes unnoticed.

The Scales of Justice are also to be found in the Great Halls of Truth and Right, and in this Hall, the Goddess weighs the soul or heart of every person, in their turn.

Thus it can be said quite truthfully, that real justice cannot be measured by penal and harsh corrective measures, or years in jail. It can only be measured, verily, by the weight of the heart against the Feather of Maat on the heavenly scales of Truth and Right. How light and how heavy is it for thee?

Balance is the Key!

 And Love awaits all who seek it ~ As Above, So Below

Blessed Be

"What seems to be the borrowing from another tradition, is merely the bringing together of many things which all have the same common origin"

~ Doreen Valiente

Views: 509

Replies to This Discussion

Wonderful! And yes, balance is always the key as is love )O(


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