
Profile Information:

Gender, any & all.
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Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
I was a current member and miss some friends
About Myself & My Interests...
other cultures, far away places,religions,magic,history,spells,hexes,artists, poets,writers,music artists,Bizarre,vampires,witchcraft,rituals,chants,dance,Funerary Rituals,mourning art,alternative medicine, and therapies, herbs, aromatherapy,dream interpretation,astral journeys,gothic culture,oddities ,Gypsies, Pre-Raphaelites, Egyptian,Victorian/Edwardian lifestyle,The paranormal world, spirits,demonology , haunted places,Ouija, Tarot, Oracles,sigils, divination,cartomancy,Luciferianism,paganism,Satanism,spirituality ,

Gothic architecture, art, and dress... old Victorian photos, trinkets, & dress styles , Victorian/goth.. cemetreies, and old churches, Tombstones, Vintage ephemera,vintage postcards, Death Art, Funerary Rituals, Mourning Art ,vampires, tantric, ritual, chants,witchcraft
daisies, lilies, roses, orchids.. poppies,,nature, herbal remedies , scented oils for baths, sensual massage,the country side , mountains , beaches....fields of lavender,blue belle forests, taking trips to just photograph anything that catches my eye,thunderstorms, the rain, far away places.......Mardi Gras, The Moon, Sacred Hearts,

History,Gregorian chant, Gothic architecture, art, and dress... old Victorian photos, trinkets, & dress styles , Victorian/goth.. cemeteries, and old churches, Tombstones, Vintage ephemera,vintage postcards, Death Art, Funerary rirtuals, sipping coffee outside on a cook crisp spring morning...., Oreo's, Tea Cups, various teas ,Chinese lantern festivals , Friendships, scented Candles,
Incense,candle magick,Sleep, Reading a good book on a rainy afternoon , under a cozy blanket, Writing, Walking, Beach Glass,sand dollars, Ocean, Ravens/Crows, Folk Art, Folk Lore, wolves,adorable little out door cafes ,dining under the starlight, Tree lamps & lanterns & ribbons , midnight walks on the beach,collecting seashells,Beach Glass,sand dollars,big cozy sweaters in winter, Hot co co with whipped cream.....

stained glass lamps...wrist warmers,daydreaming,collecting Books,Spending 2 hours in my favourite book store, .....classic poetry,spirits,dreams,trees, Gardens,lucid dreams , Antiques, Burlesque, Costume, Black Velvet, erotica, sex magick, Long Skirts, Autumn, Spring,the darkness of the night, the beauty of the moonlight...... scented candles burning bright ..dark cloudy rainy gloomy days, autumn..... autumn leaves and colours.......winter..... snow flakes ....snow men ..... snow ball fights...................... love letters, romance, ♥love.....silence.........animals♥
My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
my teachers & influences were those i met along in my life's journey be it family members , friends., lovers....
Authors and/or Books I appreciate:
Anais Nin, R,Tagore,Kahlil Gibran,Edgar allen Poe,Clarissa Pinkola Estes.frederick neitze and many others
Musicians and/or Music I appreciate:
many artists many genres...what ever I'm feeling at the moment ;-)
Films and/or Film-Makers & Actors I appreciate:
period piecestype movies, horror,love stories & girlie flix etc
Website: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or any favourites?

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    Thank you for the company for all these years on various sites, Kyst.
    Everyone who is good lives long enough to become unforgettable.
    Light and Peace!


    "In memoriam"

  • Bill Walker

    I'm sad that I missed you here but your energy lives on! I'll continue to read your posts as if you are still among us! Love and Peace forever!