Spirit Realm

Venture with us to other worldly realms.
Lets go beyond the veil into the unknown.
Where ghosts & spirits linger & lurk in the shadows,waiting to get your attention.
Do you see apparitions?
What about Shadowpeople?

This groups admin is Bill Walker!

My Astral Meeting With An Angelic Being Of Light

This happened many years ago but the memory of it is as fresh today as the actual event.

     I remember that I wasn't really tired but decided to take a cat nap. It was the middle of the afternoon and as I recall I didn't have anything pressing that needed to be done. I laid down on my upstairs couch where after a short time I started feeling light as a feather. This I now understand was my astral body freeing itself from my physical body. I had astral traveled before but that usually occurred while I was asleep or just before I was totally awake in the morning. This was different, I was eyes wide open awake.

     I was so surprised that I started to wave one of my free arms under my back to see if I could still feel the couch underneath of me? It wasn't there. I noticed the fibers of the wood as I passed through the ceiling of the house and continued to travel upward at a what felt like a tremendous speed.

     When I stopped rising I was in front of what I can only describe as a cloud. It was bright and yet dull at the same time perhaps even a tint of yellow. And then I was aware of a voice that seemed to vibrate with authority through my entire aura that said, "If you love me take my hand!" Instantly I was aware of what I perceived to be a hand extending from this cloud like formation. I didn't hesitate, I grasped the hand before the voice even finished its message. I was in awe of this entity but had no fear about being in its presence.

     As soon as I grabbed the hand there was a pop and a kind of mental flash and I found myself once again in my physical body lying on the couch. I spent the rest of the day contemplating what and why this Angelic being was so interested in wanting my confirmation that I felt love in it's presence? The experience left me totally energized and mentally awe struck almost as if I was in a state of spiritual shock.

     It almost felt like a test but I’ve never questioned my devotion to the source. I will say that I felt blessed even if bewildered both then now!


Bill Walker