"The incarceration of free thinking healthy people in madhouses is spiritual murder, it is a variation of the gas chamber, even more cruel; the torture of the people being killed is more malicious and more prolonged. Like the gas chambers, these crimes will never be forgotten and those involved in them will be condemned for all time during their life and after their death." ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The word is Power, the word is Magick.

Knowing this, the opponents of free thinkers wish to restrict the use and distribution of it. Nowhere is this clearer than during the long years of the Inquisition, the Burning Times and from thence onwards throughout the course of history. 

Opponents of a regime or institution which rules by force and with fear-based control mechanisms, are most often removed from society and placed in mental asylums under the pretext that they have 'Schizophrenia' or some other mental disorder.

People over the ages, though quite sane and in full control of their faculties, have been silenced effectively by being forcibly incarcerated in facilities where they are more often than not, never heard of again. Patients are given various treatments such as shock therapy and are heavily drugged so that they are completely in the hands of their tormentors.

This is surely a case of wickedness, and is simply bad magic aimed at ruining another person and/or discrediting their spiritual or political views. To eliminate the opposition, and crush dissent. To stifle freedom of spiritual choice, and to create a false impression in the minds of the gullible. To poison minds through the use of the Word.

So, what is different then, seen in retrospect when someone infers to you that you have a mental disorder, and suggests this publicly to the world?

Take ADHT and all of the related 'disorders' which have sprung up over the last few decades all over the world. There are all kinds of 'disorders' such as 'Oppositional defiant disorder' which are now being viewed as mental disorders, which need to be treated with mind-altering chemicals such as Ritalin. This disorder as it were, is labelled on a child who in any way questions the norm, or diverts from the flock mentality. This sounds to me like forced mind control via the use of drugs, which in plain terms is none other than Black Magic and sorcery of the worst kind. Especially as it is being done on masse to many innocent children. The use of these chemicals is criminal and irresponsible, as not only do they by-pass the actual root of the problem, which is not the children's fault but that of a dysfunctional Religion /State apparatus and society, but only ineffectually dab at the symptoms.

Attention deficit disorder is like cause and effect. The attention deficit is actually a complete deficit of attention towards the children on the parents part, and the wish of teachers to have the help of a 'teachers little helper'  in the classroom. After all, rather a stepford robot kid than a child thinking for themselves, and, heaven forbid, wishing to express their instinctive and spontaneous creativity. This is somehow 'wrong' nowadays. Individualism is not in tune with the age of the Robot.

Schoolchildren of seven years old are being proscribed Ritalin, which deadens the Yin energies of the children, stifling their creativity and their instincts and ostensibly making them more receptive and less distracted from their work. 

What a cop-out from this generation. What a betrayal of the youth, for conveniences sake.

A characteristic of repressive regimes is that they want to have a docile, subservient and obedient flock of sheeple, which can't reason or stand up for themselves. Any perceived threat to their forced control is squashed by force if necessary, but more often this is done by shaping the minds of the youth early on in life.

If you are told that you are an idiot and a loser often enough, you will become to believe it, and it will be true. If you are told that you have a mental disorder, such as an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for example (linked with ADHT), and you allow yourself to believe this, it will affect your whole system and eventually you may even be affected by it. Others will believe it, too!

Yes, Witches are so often accused of casting bad spells on people and causing them harm. As the King James of England amended the phrase 'Thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live' with 'Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live'; the terms and the actual perpetrators have been confused. This was quite deliberate on the part of the King, who delighted in personally supervising the torture and interrogation of suspected Witches and invented the study of Demonologie, to poison the minds of the weak and power-hungry. Demonology is simply the study of so-called Demons, which are actually ancient Gods, Goddesses and deities of Old which the King wanted to literally, 'demonize'.

A whole medieval fest of Grimoires was produced, and it became fashion among the Jesuits to do black magic in the name of their God. Any aspiring black mage could pick up a Grimoire, all of which were penned by Rabbis and Priests, and summon and compel these demons to do their dirty work for them in the name of God. Yet the summonsed too often becomes the summoner, as low-level spirits masquerading as the 'demons' in these books , once linked up, are very hard to get rid of once the relationship has been established. 

Anyhow, before I digress again, let us just say that ever since you the reader learnt how to speak a language and were socialized, you became a magickal practitioner.

The word, used to cause harm, does cause harm if the target is unawakened and unable to protect themselves.

Yet a word of healing is the Serpent's antidote to all the emotional and psychic poisons which people continually direct at one another and is worth infinitely more.

Thus, let the healing commence, and be aware on the path, whichever it may be you take out of your own free will, for the attempts of others to pull you into their dream. A follower is not advancing through their own abilities, or being free to create the life they love.

And Ritalin and all of the other methods of artificially modifying human behavior for reasons of control?

Watch the side-effects on a poisoned society. Enter the age of the Rit-a -Robot?

If only people would sit down, and deliberately graze their finger. Then they could observe that over a short time, the body heals itself, without doing anything. We are the greatest healers, yet our greatest fear is simply recognizing how great is our potential put into action. We are always healing ourselves, and we cannot stop.

We are everything, and everything is us. All is interconnected, and healing and charity, begin within-right at home, where we can be who we really are, and not whom everybody else wants us to be.

The future lies in open minds, to be sure. Make sure you have one on your shoulders, then?


Blessed Be



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