It doesn't matter where you're coming from........................... long as you know where you come from!

I realized a long time ago that it really doesn't matter what Religion, Tradition or Path one is on, or not at all ~ all that matters is the heart of a person. I trust my inner voice nowadays and I can see immediately which people have their innate and natural goodness bubbling out and who, on the other hand, is a potential threat to themselves and others. I,m getting as good at discerning it as the dogs are(wishes), ever since I learned to see the aura of a person easily.

Animals just are ~ and if there is fear in animals, this is a learned behavior and certainly not inherent to animals in their natural, unrestricted state. In fact, animals recognize "fear" as weakness in the wild, where the rule is to eat, thrive, procreate and prosper, and when threatened, to either fight or take flight.

It's human beings who have been taught to fear animals, especially the originally sacred animals of the Old Goddesses and Gods of the human race. It could even be said that it is not really human beings generally speaking who are at fault for their actions against animals. Humans have been taught the wrong values, which are fear-based.

These values include the idea that it right to kill, maim and harm innocent animals for 'sport'.

That owls and other predatory species are somehow 'evil'; and that they are harbingers of malevolence and untimely death; because of some archaic medieval religious teaching and the subsequent social conditioning against 'evil animals' which the people have received in over abundance since they could first link images with sounds and became open to invasive and disruptive patriarchal programming. We lose our innocence at this juncture - early on in life, when society and peer pressure replace divine innocence with fear-based ideals and behavior. 

Children are taught very strange things nowadays, indeed.

Instead of learning of all the many things we all as a human race have in common with ourselves and the rest of the all-encompassing living cosmic reality; the emphasis is on learning how 'different' we are. 

Depending on the society in question, this early insidious programming may take varying forms.

For example, generations of young white-colored kids in South Africa were taught that Apartheid Christianity was right, and that any deviation or disobedience to State sponsored Christian ethics, morals and values would be met with all of the hate, fury and wrath of God, backed up by the might of the state. 

Now for us adults this kind of religious blasphemy and poison is instantly unacceptable and we see it clearly for what it is.

For a three to five-year old, though, this could be the gospel truth, especially if his whole family told him so and if there were mechanisms in place set to punish any questioning or disobedience to the law of the Bible and of the land. Especially if there were big rewards for complying obediently, adapting racism as a way of life and being taught to kill black people for God and Fatherland.

People were taught that Jesus was white, that the Afrikanders were the chosen race and that the song about 'by the rivers of Babylon', you know, the one which ends with God's commandment to smash Kaffirs/Pagans(same thing) babies' heads against a rock, was quite justifiable in the South African context, just as it was in the days of the destruction of the High Places of the Goddess of the Hebrews, Lady Asherah.

Many 'white' people saw through the lies, however the law was the law, and it was God's law, enforced with many weapons. To many, Jesus was Apartheid. Some people, both white, black, or whatever, will never ever trust in Christianity, ever, ever again as a result - no matter what guise it may come in - Satanism, Coptic Christianity or any other form of patriarchal, discriminatory Book Religion whatsoever, no matter what form it takes, habits it adopts or which people it uses as puppets to it's make people kill other people and Mother Nature in the name of God and country.

In reaction to this use of Religion to justify the oppression of one race over another, many African people saw all white people as being inherently racist, violent, never to be trusted, devils beneath a thin veneer of white flesh and always to be equated for evermore with the caricature of Apartheid baasskap. Much sadness and destruction has been wrought as a result of this equally incorrect social programming.

There are many other examples of Religion being used to control the behavior of people and influence them to use violence, or meekly comply with the use of violence if it is 'justified' in the name of the law.

Patriarchal Religion results in fear-based behavior, violence, racism and Apartheid amongst people.

Instead of being the common threat which binds us all together in Love;

Religion has been used as tool to divide people and to cause fear and hatred among people, based on the invention of the perceived and illusionary differences between us. This was done to control people through the fear of condemnation and punishment for disobeying the rules of the male-dominated Religion, and to consolidate the power of Church and State. This happened worldwide - the racism and gender based violence in South Africa is a mirror reflection of the same all over the planet, so that indeed any form of religious discrimination or oppression; forced conversions, brainwashing in schools and so on to make people fight for their country and kill others in the name of God and any and all Religions which openly include discriminatory passages against other people because of their heritage and Pagan or other spirituality, skin color or the animals they love

can be called an Apartheid Religion.

The good news, is that we are moving past that and people all over the world are coming to realize that the only way that we can avert ecological disaster is to forget what we have been taught to know about others and to rather know where you come from, for that understanding makes us all kin. Only together can we all usher in the inevitable changes which herald the Age of the Daughter, a time in our future when the Goddess ' Law will prevail, which is ~

Love Unto All Beings.

It's said the essence of Wisdom is simply knowing where you come from.

Where do you come from?


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